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Our 2020 CSA season if full. With the New Albany Market suspended indefinitely, we will be marketing for delivery to a limited area through a email sign up sheet. If you would like to be included in this, please send an email with your address and phone number to: For those outside of our delivery area, a contact free pick-up site can be arranged.

High quality, fresh, nutrient packed, and full flavored produce delivered to your door weekly.

Our summer CSA program is for 20 weeks of produce during the months of April-October. The timing allows for some weeks off during the seasonal lulls. This season we are anticipating one or two weeks in April and then starting up in earnest in mid May. Usually we take a few weeks off from the CSA towards the end of summer to clean up and get the fall crops rolling. We consider the amount of produce to be sufficient vegetables for two adults to have three or four meals worth. We like to have at least five different items per week. The variety shifts with the seasons. Delivery available to limited areas. Pick up every Saturday at the New Albany Farmers Market. Click the link below to go to our Local Harvest listing for additional information and pricing.